Impromptu Hiatus

tumbleweed tumbleweed tumbleweed…..

Is anyone still here? I had so many plans for different blog posts this summer, and then, well, summer happened. So first off, I’d like to apologize for my disappearance from the blogsphere. But I won’t waste any time, let me get you caught up on my summer knitting!



Many fun and exciting projects have been started, and unfortunately, not many have been finished yet.  For one issue or another, my WIPs have reached stopping points.

The lavender blouse, which is The Jan Sweater in Susan Crawford’s A Stitch in Time Volume Two, is a 1930’s lacey delight that I’m knitting out of Madelinetosh light in the colorway “La Vie En Rose.” The body seems to be too long, so I’ve been nervous to block it in case it stretches more. It also needs sleeves. 

I will remember this summer as “The Summer When Sydney Had a Weird Aversion to Sleeve Knitting,” because really, that’s what all my WIP garments need.

The minty green blouse is an Oops! projects because I didn’t buy enough yarn last year when I impulsively got two skeins of this Knitted Wit Fingering solely for the love of the color. I’m currently on the hunt for a similar yarn base in a contrasting white for the rest of the blouse.

Some knitting I have been finishing are socks. Lots and lots of socks.





I have a lot of other exciting WIPs going right now, but we’ll have to save those for the next blog (I promise I won’t wait three months to post it). I have been ready for Autumn since July, meaning that cardigans and sweaters, warm wooly hats and socks are on the needles.

Thank you to all of you sweet readers who have stuck around!



14 thoughts on “Impromptu Hiatus

  1. Hi Sydney…….love all your projects…… finished or not….. wonderful colors. And I especially like the socks with the chocolate……I hope you ate it. You are not alone with having WIPs on the back burner. Of course I like anything made out of Madlinetosh…… great colors & textures. Fun to hear from you…… Jeanne

    • Darling!! Hope Mongolia is treating you well, been thinking about you often! The red/orange/purple is Blue Moon Socks that Rock, the aqua blue was dyed by a friend, and the purples/grays/greens is Malabrigo sock. xoxoxox

  2. I have a second sleeve aversion normally. I get to that one last part and then things just get set aside, like my current project has! I’m determined to get it finished before the weather turns cold though. I want to knit socks, too! I’ve had the wool sitting around since last winter, a lovely pale gold/mustard shade that will be a perfect autumn accessory colour, and I’ve finally decided to give socks a go.

  3. But sleeves are incredible boring to knit. They make the cunning illusion of being a quick and fun knit, but in reality they just go on and on and on… Hmm. Very pretty socks, though! Good luck with the sleeves! (and keep writing!)

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